Revue (Germany)
3 new covers Revue magazine for the Next Society
"For Beuys TRANSFORMATIONS meant personal healing expanded to social and political change and I subscribe to that view", says Robert Montgomery, our featured artist. In a society marked by upheavals, we distrust the concept. It's not about winning or loosing. Transformation is uncertainty, and it has many names. As the American writer Kenneth Goldsmith states: »It does not seem to matter what we're moving, as long as we are moving it«. This iussue tackles head-on some of the eternal verities: Contributers and themes are: biomedical Aubrey de Grey, who wants to ablish death; The awakening of the Boheme from 1001 nights; The protest in the digital age; A conversation with Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus and many more....
(Rabea Edel, chief editor)
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