George Lois fav #5
Coverjunkie asked George Lois about the favorite covers he designed himself:
- #5 Esquire, Oh my God, 1966:
“The words are those of an American soldier in Vietnam. This sentence leaped out at me from Sack’s description of a search-and-destroy mission. The words are a GI’s horrified reaction as he comes upon the body of a dead Vietnamese child. This cover appeared early in the war. The outcry against the war was getting louder, but mostly on the campuses. The cover screamed to the world that something was wrong, terribly wrong. Good American boys were trapped in an evil war, with no end in sight. Esquire was sharply criticized by many readers for this “premature” indictment of the war itself...”
For (the few) people out there don't know him, he designed classics for esquire in the 60's that are also shown in the MoMA New York;
He stripped the cover down to a graphically concise yet conceptually potent image. He was probably the most provocative in the history of the magazine industry...
see more here
Complete interview appeared in The Coverjunkie Magazine,
I talked with him along with aces like Arem Duplessis, Richard Turley, Rodrigo Sanchez, Matt Willey, Robert Newman & Francesco Franchi
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Click here for more George Lois covers on Coverjunkie