George Lois fav #4
Coverjunkie asked George Lois about the favorite covers he designed himself:
- #4 Esquire, Warhol, 1969:
“This cover has become a symbol of Esquire ’s juxtaposition of the celebration of pop culture...as it deconstructed celebrity. The pervading symbol of the whole Pop Art movement of that era was Warhol’s Campbell’s soup can. When editor Harold Hayes told me he was planning an article on the American avant-garde, I decided to show Warhol drowning in his own soup. Andy knew it was a friendly spoof of his original claim to fame, but he still enjoyed that fame enough to welcome his puss on one of those Esquire covers. We photographed him and the open can of soup separately. When we put Andy into the soup, we almost lost him. (The Bewigged One begged me for years to trade the original art of my cover for one of his Campbell’s soup can paintings–worth multi-millions today–but I told Andy I would donate the original art to MoMA one day, and in 2008, I did.)”
For (the few) people out there don't know him, he designed classics for esquire in the 60's that are also shown in the MoMA New York;
He stripped the cover down to a graphically concise yet conceptually potent image. He was probably the most provocative in the history of the magazine industry...
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Complete interview appear in The Coverjunkie Magazine, along with aces like Arem Duplessis, Richard Turley, Rodrigo Sanchez, Matt Willey, Robert Newman & Francesco Franchi
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