Arem Duplessis fav #2
Maybe you've heard Arem Duplessis (design director New York Times Magazine) is leaving New York Times for a company called Apple.
Cause of this i like to post my interview with Arem that appeared
one year ago in The Coverjunkie Magazine
with designer Caleb Bennett
New York Times Mag / May 2011 :
Arem: “K.I.S.S. or Keep It Simple,
Sucker is the theme for this cover. Set in small type, the headline reads “What Happened to Air France Flight 447?” and we set it over a photo of the ocean. Hard to tell here but we used a metallic silver kiss plate to give the cover some sheen. Kudos to our editor Hugo Lindgren for this one. Most editors would have insisted that the type be set at 150 pts. Not everything has to scream to have an impact”.
Photographer: Tom Sandberg
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Click here for more Arem Duplessis covers on Coverjunkie