New York Times Magazine (US)
10-20-2019 cover @NYTmag
"Pablo Delcan came up with the concept of a video-game controller wrapped entirely with boilerplate warning labels, like the kind on a pack of cigarettes. The image, rendered dimensionally by Justin Metz, is simple, direct and vibrant, while the shadow cast over the controller gives it an ominous quality that fits the story’s narrative.’’
DesignDirector: @GailBichler / Director of Photography: @kathyryan / #ArtDirector: @mrwilley / Deputy Art Director: @bengrandgenett / Deputy Photo Editor Jessica Dimson / Senior Photo Editors: @StaceylBaker , @AmyKellner / Contributing Photo Editors David Carthas, Rory Walsh, and Kristen Geisler / Photo Assistant: @Pia_Peterson .
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