Yeah, Coverjunkie Mag!
Sorry about not posting for a couple of days;
I'm working on the Coverjunkie Magazine.
Yeah, it's an ace feeling publishing a mag as an extension of this blog.
Gonna take another night, deadline tomorrow morning. But this is gonna be good... a sweet holiday present maybe?
It's 96 pages jam-packed with the best covers of 2011 and interviews with the best magazine designers like
-Arem Duplessis (new York Times Mag)
-Richard Turley (Bloomberg Businessweek)
-Matt Willey (Port Magazine)
-Rodrigo Sanchez (Metropoli)
-Francesco Franchi (IL)
-Robert Newman (Readers Digest)
and the legend George Lois
Click here for more typographic covers covers on
Click here for more Coverjunkie covers on Coverjunkie
Click here for more Coverjunkie covers on Coverjunkie