Great type cover Typoversity from Germany
art director: Andrea Schmidt & Patrick Marc Sommer
editor in chief: Nadine Roßa, Andrea Schmidt, Patrick Marc Sommer
About Typoversity:
What about the typographical offspring in Germany?
How do the students handle typography?
How does the typographical education look like in Germany and elsewhere?
»typoversity« presents current projects from education and studies with the main emphasis »typography« and also teachers are given insights. In interviews with Prof. Heike Grebin, Prof. Nora Gummert-Hauser, Prof. Jürgen Huber & Christian Hanke, Prof. Indra Kupferschmid, Prof. Jay Rutherford, Prof. Betina Müller, Prof. Ulrike Stoltz, Prof. Rayan Abdullah and Dan Reynolds they report about their teaching concepts and tell us how they motivate students and fill them with enthusiasm for studying typography. »typoversity« discusses the role of the typography for the work as a designer and her social relevance. »typoversity« is focused on quality of typographical bases and delight in experimentation.
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