2 new covers Sleek: "Sleek bounds out of winter with a spring in its step and a question on its lips: what’s fake and what’s folk today? What’s the fascination with craft and textiles, with romantic landscapes made with Photoshop, and men with beards in bands? There’s an answer too. In 1999 the then-editor of The Face magazine, Richard Benson, wrote a landmark essay, “Faking The Folk” for that magazine on how the emerging fetish for folkiness was a strange combination of the authentic and the artificial, the plastic and the organic. Like all the best journalism, it not only captured the zeitgeist back then but feels even more true now – and that’s why for the all-new, redesigned and re-engineered Sleek, he updates his essay with “Faking The Folk Pt.II”, which opens the Assignment section."
about: "art, fashion. ad clients, circulation numbers, subscribers. challenging printers, finding fresh photography talents and unjustifiedly underexposed art. most personal interests expressed in each issue of sleek"
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