New York Times
Spectacular 27 (!) covers @nytimes ; starring The Women of the 116th Congress. #ElizabethHerman and #CelesteSloman took portraits of 130 of the 131 women of the U.S. Congress.
- 27 covers, one for each of The New York - Each cover corresponds to a local congresswoman in that distribution area.
- Out today, Thursday, Jan. 17 across the U.S.
Photographers: Elizabeth Herman (@elizabethdherman) and Celeste Sloman (@celestesloman).
Photo Editing: Marisa Schwartz Taylor (@marisaschwartztaylor), and Beth Flynn (@bfnyt).
Design and Art Direction: Jane Mitchell (@jane_something), Andrew Sondern (@standardregular), Wayne Kamidoi (@waynefonts)
Design Director: Fred Bierman (@fredeeky) .
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