New York Mag
“A century of “IT” girls”
spectacular 8 new covers @nymag
“Nymag celebrates their 55th anniversary with a “Yesteryear” issue. This year’s looks back at a particular New York phenomenon, the “It” girl. What, precisely is an “It" girl? “An ‘It’ girl is really something organic,” says 80s “Queen of the Night” Dianne Brill….”
- #EdieSedgwick, photographed in 1966 by Gerard Malanga;
- #ChloëSevigny, photographed in 2004 by Lizzi Bougatsos;
- #CarolynBessette Kennedy, photographed in 1998 by David Turner;
- #BiancaJagger, photographed in 1976 by Allan Tannenbaum;
- #CoryKennedy, photographed in 2006 by the Cobrasnake;
- #GraceJones, photographed in 1980 by Ron Galella;
- #JaneHolzer, photographed in 1967 by Jack Robinson;
- #TinaChow, photographed in 1985 by Andy Warhol. #warholfoundation © 2023 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Creativedirector @tomalberty
Photodirector @jodyquon
#coverlove #coverdesign #magazine #magazinedesign #nymag #newyork #newyorkmagazine #printisthefutureofonline #letscelebratecreativity
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