New Ponystep (1)
This catched my eye walking in the magstore last week...
looks intriguing and pretty cool, but what is it?
No logo? Oh yes, PONYSTEP magazine, there's a tiny logo on the bottom left side...
The covers are amazing: Donatella Versace by Miles Aldridge, Dame Edna by Alice Hawkins and American actress Elvira by Matt Irwin.
This is the info i digged up at Fashionsmostwanted:
Originally launched as a website, now a print edition. The magazine will be bi-annual and focuses on fashion, music, lifestyle and high octane personalities.
"Founded by Richard Mortimer says of the magazine: "Eight months ago I decided I was ready to move Ponystep forward from it's online presence into a magazine... naively ambitious, but ballsy all the same! I wanted the magazine to be about who I love rather than the latest press obsession or fashion muse and I think I've managed to achieve that. None of the people featured can be described as conventional by any stretch of the imagination - I think the issue really celebrates the outsider."
Click here for more ace covers 2011 covers on
Click here for more Ponystep covers on Coverjunkie