Five ace #NBA preview covers @espn ;
they created 30 TV drama-inspired posters, one per NBA team. Five of the posters were featured as magazine covers
“Here's a riddle: If the Warriors winning a title is a foregone conclusion, why has the NBA never been more popular? Answer: Because the NBA isn't just a basketball league — it's a network of 30 prestige television dramas. The spats! The rumors! The infighting! The subtweets! Whiteboard-smashing! Crotch-kicking! Players-only meetings. With that in mind, we give you the 2018-19 NBA season, TV-guide-style.”
Senior Creative Director: Chin Wang (@chinstamatic)
Art Directors: Rami Moghadam (@rami.moghadam), Eric Paul (@epaul16)
Associate Art Directors: Linda Root Pouder (@lindapouder), Munehito Sawada
Senior Designer: Christopher DeLisle (@chris.k.delisle)
Photo Illustrator: Eric Heintz (@eheintzimaging)
Director of Photography: Karen Frank (@frankie626)
Director of Photography, Digital & Print: Tim Rasmussen
Editor in Chief: Alison Overholt (@alioverholt)
Check out ESPN The Magazine on Instagram @magartarchive
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