Coverjunkie Francesco Franchi
Last week Coverjunkie asked Francesco Franchi, Design Director for awardwinning IL Magazine (a supplement from Italian Il Sole 24 ORE) about the favorite covers that are so good he wished he designed them himself:
Click here for Francesco's 3 most favorite coverdesigns
February 18th 1988
"Soldiers of Christ arise and put armour on"
Art director: DAVID HILLMAN
I admire Hillman's work. Is one of my point... (click link above for full post)
November 1st 2010
"Coke in Africa"
Art director: RICHARD TURLEY
It's one of my favourite magazine. Richard Turley is remaking magazine covers with unexpected images, shaping... (click link above for full post)
July 6th 2010
"The next Afghanistan?"
Art director: AREM DUPLESSIS
Probably the best newsmagazine in the world. I love the... (click link above for full post)
Here Francesco's own designed favorite covers:
Francesco: Before i give you my top 3 i would like to mention what i like mostly of our work is the fact that we were able to design eight covers about SILVIO BERLUSCONI, never showing his face. In particular I refer to the issues no.11, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28. IL-Intelligence in lifestyle would like to be a magazine strongly connected to news content. It tries to go in-depth, suggesting original and different points of view, unexpected directions and unconventional solutions as well. The cover is the first step, and we always try to be ironic in this first approach.
1. IL Magazine:
29 April 2011
惨禍のあとの生活 (La vita dopo l’apocalisse)"
(click link for full comment)
2. IL Magazine:
22 September 2010
"Loggeria Italia"
(click link for full comment)
3. IL Magazine:
30 May 2011
"Miseria e dignità"
(click link for full comment)
About Francesco:
Francesco has been a design director at IL from 2008 till now. Before that he designed at the well known Leftloft designagency. He and his teams won numerous publication design honors and awards, read all about it on Francesco's Linkedin page
Finally, a sweet tip:
"I always check thisisdisplay.org, a curated collection of important graphic design books, periodicals, advertisements and ephemera. Nice website layout."
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Click here for more Francesco Franchi covers on Coverjunkie