Top 100 (Ukraine)
New cover Top 100 magazine:
art-director Maksim Zoloyedov explains: "The concept of the cover's design is based on the idea that everyday services are mostly advertised via cheap outdoor ads. They are printed on low-quality paper and stuck to special advertising boards as well as walls and public property. Gradually, new layers of ads are glued over older ones forming chaotic abstractions that represent the anarchic, unconstrained nature of Ukrainian street marketing.
These ads are an unglamorous yet extremely efficient way to promote micro businesses. Their simplistic, elementary design and primitive, next-to-zero copywriting are aimed at direct, straightforward communication with potential customers.
Despite the unavoidable digitalization of advertising, this channel of information is still widely represented in the streets of Ukrainian cities. But it is criminally neglected by marketing experts. This is why we created a cover as a tribute that mimics the savage style of these ads. Moreover, we sold an ad space to an online reputation management expert and inserted a real advert onto the cover."
illustrator Pavel Samokhvalov
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