Theo Audenaerd
Today Theo Audenaerd is leaving the editorial world.
A sad day if you ask me and thats an understatement.
Theo is a photo editor at Volkskrant and changed the way of thinking about photography, i think in the Netherlands. He's not credited enough for this.
He was (is!) always browsing for new talent, and THE reason every photography student desires to publish their work in Volkskrant Magazine. He crossed barriers in an environment where a 100 words where more important than 1 photo. He challenged the newspaper when nobody was allowed to crop photography or even more ridiculous; to put words on top of a photo :)
Oh boy do i admire his work as photo editor and his personality. His optimism is contagious.
A shout-out to one of the most talented people around, too bad we never worked together Theo Audenaerd (here his Linkedin), would be fun to do a project together, no matter on what level... enjoy your freedom & keep contact!
Click here for more best of the rest covers on
Click here for more Theo Audenaerd covers on Coverjunkie
Click here for more Volkskrant covers on Coverjunkie