The Hysteria Issue
Great new cover DERZEIT from Berlin: "The Hysteria Issue"
"DERZEIT is the first and only independent daily newspaper for Fashion Week Berlin. It's a young and interdisciplinary publication that looks at the cultural field stylishly, critically and with a certain euphoria."
Lena Emery
Set design
Manuel Schibli
Josephine / at PLACE Models
Ana Stasha / at IZAIO Models
Sebastiano Ragusa
hair & make-up
Cecilia Bourgueil & Katharina Franke / using MAC & sexy hair
photography assistance
Thore Welzel
backstage photography
Jessica Barthel
DERZEIT is all produced and published by
DERZEIT Fashion Week Berlin Daily
Alice Kuhn & Manuel Schibli
Art Direction
Manuel Schibli
Production & Design
Alice Kuhn
Click here for more best of the rest covers on
Click here for more DERZEIT covers on Coverjunkie