Stay Wild (US)
Pitch in on this new project from fab art-director Justin Scrappers Morrison ( i just did).
He just launched an exciting new project on Kickstarter called 'Stay Wild':
"a free adventure magazine that brings the wonder of travel, the excitement of action sports and the beauty of outdoor lifestyles together in a way no other magazine can. Our large format (10X13 inches), full-color, quarterly printed magazine will be available for free at your favorite camp/surf/motor/cycle/skate/snow/art/coffee shops and mailed to subscribers around the world. Our awesome monthly videos and exclusive web content will be available at staywildmagazine.com and on our explosive social media lava flow (Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter)."
Click here for more best of the rest covers on
Click here for more Stay Wild covers on Coverjunkie