New York Times Mag (US)
What a series from @chekmenevalexander
newest cover @nytmag
Nytmag: “We have guns and some bullets and warm clothes, and we are trying to live like that.”
“In the weeks after the invasion of Ukraine, Kyiv, the capital, became a city transformed. Much of its population evacuated. New defense units gathered and took up arms. Field kitchens, aid stations, bomb shelters and evacuation convoys sprouted into functional shapes. The city endured intermittent bombardment throughout. This altered streetscape became the uneasy milieu of @chekmenevalexander, a Ukrainian documentary and portrait photographer who since the 1990s has visually chronicled his country’s post-Soviet life.”
DesignDirector: @GailBichler / Director of Photography: @kathyryan / #ArtDirector: @bengrandgenett / deputy artdirector @annie76828 / designers @clauisru , @mcurtis1 and @redithw
Deputy Director of Photography @jdims
Senior Photo Editor @amykellner
Staff Photo Editors David Carthas, @Kristen.Geisler
photo editors: @rorryannaw, @verithe15, @shannonsimon, @bigbabygenius .
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