New York Times Mag (US)
Oh boy, just received the 4 The Innovations Issues New York Times Mag (yeah, i still prefer paper instead of iPad)
some extra love for the inside design, bold and beautiful! I'm sure all you mag lovers wanna see this... go out on Ebay and try to find a copy!
Check these artsist, great stuff:
SMART TEETH: Logo by Christopher Clark
POWER SHIRT: Logo by Non-Format
CUDDLEBOT: Logo by Magpie Studio
PERILOUS PLAY: Logo by Alex Trochut
Character Illustrations by Chris Nosenzo
New York Times Mag also carrie a great blog; "The 6th Floor, where staff members — editors, designers, writers, photo editors and researchers — share ideas, arguments, curiosities and links."
Hugo Lindgren: editor
Arem Duplessis: Design Director
Gail Bichler: Art Director
Kathy Ryan: Director of Photography
Deputy Art Director: Caleb Bennett
Designers: Hilary Greenbaum, Sara Cywnar, and Drea Zlanabitnig
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Click here for more Arem Duplessis covers on Coverjunkie