New York Times Mag (US)
"Planet Hillary" is the last cover Design Director Arem Duplessis designed for The New York Times Magazine
Take a look at his portfolio on Coverjunkie, pretty incredible (and read his little interview on Coverjunkie here)
Funny; all ready some great spoofs on this design, see here
New York Times Magazine also carries an ace blog called "The 6th Floor" , a fun read.
Hugo Lindgren: editor
Arem Duplessis: Design Director
Gail Bichler: Art Director
Kathy Ryan: Director of Photography
Deputy Art Director: Caleb Bennett
Designers: Raul Aguila , Ben Grandgenett and Jason Sfetko
Click here for more ace covers 2014 covers on
Click here for more New York Times Magazine covers on Coverjunkie
Click here for more Arem Duplessis covers on Coverjunkie