New Eureka
New science cover Eureka magazine: "Here comes the sun. Can nuclear fusion light up the future?"
"Nuclear fusion reactions produce the Sun’s energy, power atomic weapons but can they power our future. The cover image is the condensation cloud from the Apache bomb detonated on the Pacific atoll of Enewetak in 1956. It was part of the US thermonuclear testing programme."
Editor: David Edwards
Art Director: Matt Curtis
Picture Editor: Madeleine Penny
Cover image: MICHAEL LIGHT © 2003, from “100 SUNS” (Jonathan Cape)
Eureka is the monthly science supplement from the The Times: "it covers a wide spectrum of topics ranging from life sciences to earth sciences and from green issues to oceanography. Its focus will be on the latest scientific developments, how and why they matter, the people behind them and solutions for the future. Each edition will carry great writing, beautiful photography and detailed graphics."
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