Lovecat 2
Cause they're so ace and new on Coverjunkie here another cover Lovecat Magazine: "a new fashion model fanzine. Taking its identity from the old school Teen Beats and Punk Rock fanzines, but with a sexy pinup approach. Published quarterly, it features some of the hottest models from every major agency. Shot by some of the top and up in coming fashion photographers. Lovecat features quirky fan interviews on each model giving the reader an inside look into some of the lives of the girls we see on countless billboards and magazines .Each new issue is a mix of models, art, music, fashion and beauty in an unconventional form, making each issue a collectors item."
editor & creative director PRINCE CHENOA + JACOB DEKAT
photography cover ANDY WARHOL by MR BRAINWASH ISSUE #3
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Click here for more Lovecat covers on Coverjunkie