Inside peek NYTimesMag (US)
Great inside peek from the aces at New York Times Mag.
Design Director Arem Duplessis with their three designed covers of tomorrows issue... only 1 can survive
All good, here reject 2,
collage by Sara Cwynar
(oh boy stylish work here! Go check!)
And here the design that made it on tomorrows New York Times Mag
New York Times Mag also carrie a great blog; "The 6th Floor, where staff members — editors, designers, writers, photo editors and researchers — share ideas, arguments, curiosities and links."
Hugo Lindgren: editor
Arem Duplessis: Design Director
Gail Bichler: Art Director
Kathy Ryan: Director of Photography
Deputy Art Director: Caleb Bennett
Designers: Hilary Greenbaum, Sara Cywnar, and Drea Zlanabitnig
Click here for more best of the rest covers on
Click here for more New York Times Magazine covers on Coverjunkie