GreenSource (US)
New cover GreenSource:
"The Magazine of Sustainable Design is as green as a magazine gets. Intended to serve the green-design community, it educates a broad swath of design professionals, informing them of projects, design processes, technology, products, and environmental issues in the rapidly developing sustainable building industry. Printed on 100 percent post-consumer recycled stock with soy ink, GreenSource delivers information that is highly technical, in a manner that is graphically appealing and accessible. Case studies make up the core of the publication with valuable technical information, weather charts, plans, illustrations, key project energy performance data, and green products used. Feature stories highlight design practices, trends, and technology, while departments focus on green-building policy, profiles of people, current trends, new green products, opinions, and news. Published six times a year, GreenSource has quickly become the most trusted source of information about green buildings in the United States.
Greensourcemag.com supports the print publication with a full cadre of social media and community tools. The site features daily news—both originally reported and news wire—as well as blogs, forums, a video library, and user-generated photo galleries. Monthly features include best green houses, LEED-Platinum portfolio, and solution of the month. The site features a searchable database of all case studies published in the magazine."
Creative Director: Francesca Messina
Art Director: Matthew Guemple
Executive Editor: Nadav Malin
Managing Editor: Jane Kolleeny
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