Forbes (India)
New cover Forbes magazine from India.
Design director Anjan Das tells me:
"The team decided that the best way to illustrate the Flipkart story was to use a toy cart that is broken down. The famous Channapatna (a small city located 60 km south-west of Bangalore, India) toys came to mind as they had clean solid lines and very colorful at that. But when the photographer Mallikarjun Katakol went to Channapatna town, in Karnataka State to see if someone could make it, he ran into a dead end for a variety of reasons. Which was when he decided that he would simply get the wheels done in Channapatna in the traditional method, and make the rest of the cart at his home. So he bought the required wooden reapers and set to work with one eye on the clock.
In four hours, he made the cart and painted it in the traditional colours that is atypical of Channapatna toys. With just an hour to go for the deadline, he shot the image you see that was finally used for the Cover of Forbes India. "
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