Fleisch (Austria)
It shows Antú Romero Nunes, one of the most promising young theater stage directors in the German speaking world.
The headline reads: "And now:"
The issue features a whole lot of stories about changes, changing and moving on: a portrait of Nunes and his form of theatre, a guideline on how and where we most promisingly can create the "United Nations of Fleisch", a story on the secession movement in Silicon Valley, a potentially history changing alternative interpretation on what happened in Sarajevo in 1914, and the story of a singer who covered his idol until he got into legal troubles and the German "Bild Zeitung".
New cover Fleisch,
an independend quarterly magazine for culture and society, published in Vienna.
Fleisch is amourphous, there are no fixed topics, with every issue we start at point zero. We think a lot about the stories themselves, we think about reading habits, about trends and how to counter them. And then we just try out what comes to our minds and see how it works.
Cover photo: Mark Glassner
Creative director: Martin Weiss
Publishing House: Fleisch Verlag
Editors: Markus Huber, Robert Treichler
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