Enjoying a break
Sorry everybody,
gonna be offline for a week...
i'm gonna enjoy the best city in the world (next to Amsterdam) with sweet little Bobbie and Moniek.
Talk later!
And when around, i'm gonna do a little talk at the SND (Society for News Design) annual conference, November 9th, Louisville USA
The talk is gonna be a celebration of creativity; gonna show like 250 ace covers from the best designers around and a few of myself :D
This is an exciting event with lots of good speakers and workshops,
take a look at their programme... their line-up including Jon Hill (The Times of London), Jennifer Daniel (ace visual journalist), Andrew J. Nilsen (artist), Joey Marburger (The Washington Post), Haika Hinze and Jan Kny (DIE ZEIT, Germany), The Boston Globe, Michael Renaud (Pitchfork) and many many more... come over!
Click here for more best of the rest covers on
Click here for more Coverjunkie covers on Coverjunkie
Click here for more Coverjunkie covers on Coverjunkie