Dummy (Germany)
New cover Dummy from Germany
Artdirector Max Winter tells me:
"The environment of a homeless person combined with the graphic look of an internationally known interior company built a contrast which should sensitize the viewer for their misery. 52000 thousand people live on the streets in Germany nowadays. This is 17000 more than three years ago. A reason for that is the lack of payable living space."
Oliver Gehrs, Natascha Roshani
www.dummyverlag.de www.dummy-magazin.de
Lars Klingenberg
Art Director:
Sascha Bente, www.saschabente.com (@saschagrey)
Marius Land,www.mariusland.com (@mariusland)
Max Winter, www.maxwinter.studio (@max__winter)
Picture Editor:
Carmen Brunner and the picture editing class of Ostkreuzschule
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