Collect (Australia)
Oh boy do i love their covers!
Collect magazine from Australia, a 64-page magazine published 10 times each year.
Creative Director Adam Johnson
Editor in Chief Josh Fanning
Josh tells me: "ssue 8: Back to the future
What does Hill Valley have to teach us about our own city, town and neighbourhood? Mostly that the future is determined by the present and the present is part of a memory of our collective past. Not too philosophical, this issue of Collect stops by a brand new whisky distillery, the most southern distillery in the world, William McHenry and Sons where we learn that we'll have to wait almost a decade before we get to taste his top shelf drop. Rory Kennett-Lister pens the Cover Essay and takes the 10 commandments of Dieter Rams into consideration for many more things in life than just design, while Clara Sankey sits down with a woman on a mission to preserve and maintain the beautiful French District of New Orleans. There's a lot we got right in the past, this issue makes sure we take those things into the future!"
Click here for more ace covers 2012 covers on
Click here for more Collect covers on Coverjunkie