Arem Duplessis fav #6
Maybe you've heard Arem Duplessis (design director New York Times Magazine) is leaving New York Times for a company called Apple. Cause of this i like to post my interview with Arem that appeared one year ago in The Coverjunkie Magazine REM's OWN DESIGNED FAVORITE #6: New York Times Mag / Nov 2013 : Arem: “This was one of our most recent covers, and I’m pretty sure my favorite of all time. I’ll admit that I was stuck on an idea for this one when our editor Hugo came into my office saying he wanted 1,028 little people on our cover illustrating the exchange of prisoner Gilad Shalit for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners. I loved the idea and moved forward in concepting it. After considering several artists I settled on Tim Enthoven. We only had 3 or 4 days, and based on his work he seemed crazy enough to take it on. And crazy he is! He illustrated all 1,028 people, never repeating any of them! I used the cover line as a metaphorical divide between the two sides, and the end result is pretty great in my opinion.” And read here all about the move from NYTMag to Apple.
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