finalist best ‘concept 2008’
ASME cover awards, finalist 2008: best concept cover of the year:
TIME’s Special Environment Issue features an image so ingrained in the collective consciousness of Americans—the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima, taken on February 23, 1945, by AP photographer Joe Rosenthal—that any alteration of that photo would be provocative. But what TIME Art Director Arthur Hochstein created was something entirely new: by replacing the black-and-white American flag with a colorful trees, and by emphasizing TIME’s commitment to the fight against global warming with a bold coverline and the first-ever green TIME logo and border, Hochstein and his team gave the image a more contemporary, urgent meaning while also emphasizing the importance of our current war on global warming. The TIME image outraged some veteran’s groups, but it got the country talking about the historical implications of the environmental crisis and gave new immediacy to the issue.
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