#1 coverjunkie poll
Wow, thats hot;
more than 20.000 people voted!
So here peoples choice on #1 most creative cover of 2013, 19% of the votes:
Zeit Magazin from Germany.
Cause the final of the Champions League was played between two German teams (great achievement!) Zeit Magazin carried a full red cover of Bayern Munich (page 1) and Borussia Dortmund in yellow (page 3)
Page 4 and 5 is all green with the line:
"Danke für den schonnen Fußball. Wir sehen uns im Finale" (Thank you for the beautiful soccer. We'll see each other in the final)
Editor in chief: Christoph Amend
Creative director: Mirko Borsche
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Click here for more Zeit Magazin covers on Coverjunkie