Letter to Jane (US)
Just out now!
Looks cool and they adjust their navigation, which i love a lot, they're always trying to find the right way (and not following Woodwing here)
New fresh iPad magazine Letter To Jane:
"an independent arts magazine for the iPad by Tim Moore. We give artists an unfiltered platform for them to share their personal creative work and ideas without compromise. Our unique approach to publishing has been recognized by The Guardian, MagCulture, It's Nice That, Selectism, PSFK, NOTCOT, Creative Review, The Magaziner, The Society of Publication Designers, and AppAdvice has been ranked in the top 10 Lifestyle apps in the App Store multiple times."
One of the nominees for the Design Museum's "Designs of the Year 2012.
Click here for more animated covers covers on
Click here for more Letter to Jane covers on Coverjunkie