Steve Jobs 1955 – 2011
Sweet cover this weeks Brazilian Epoca magazine: "Steve Jobs 1955 - 2011"
Design Director Marcos Marques of Epoca writes a great blog (go check it out, he also shows his rejected covers options):
"Gosh, he died. I confess that while I'm writing this post, my eyes filled with tears. No, I did not want to do this cover, not so soon. I've always been and always will be a passionate and defender of Apple products. My first computer was a Macintosh LC II Classic, which at that time had no memory - only a vague memory - 4MB of RAM and even then, I and my friend Rodrigo Pereira made a lot of work on it using PageMaker and Photoshop (version .0001).
A belief that I had to think about this cover is that I wanted to use his picture, much less use the company logo because he was not Apple. But I needed an icon resembling a genius.
The spectacles were a way to strengthen the conceptual idea of the cover. The illustrator Gerson Mora was able to reproduce in 3D glasses to perfection.
I tried my best to make this tribute. Do not know if I could do better, but follow my humble contribution. I hope you enjoy."
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