New York Times Mag (US)
New cover New York Times Mag: "who killed the debt deal?"
Read here on their 6thfloor blogabout the other options/designs
Illustration by Sara Cwynar. Photographs, clockwise from top left: Obama, Patsy Lynch/Retna/Corbis; Cantor, Gali Tibbon/AFP/Getty Images; Boehner, Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images; Pelosi, Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Getty Images.
New York Times Mag also carrie a great blog; "The 6th Floor, where staff members — editors, designers, writers, photo editors and researchers — share ideas, arguments, curiosities and links."
Hugo Lindgren: editor
Arem Duplessis: Design Director
Gail Bichler: Art Director
Kathy Ryan: Director of Photography
Deputy Art Director: Caleb Bennett
Designers: Hilary Greenbaum, Sara Cywnar, and Drea Zlanabitnig
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