vist MagCulture event 2014!
Gonna be ace!
This friday, September 19, you gotto be at THE MODERN MAGAZINE event, a celebration of editorial creativity, as there are some of the most innovative names in the industry:
Adam Moss, editor, New York magazine
David Moretti, creative director, Wired Italia
Jeremy Langmead, head of content, Christies
Kai Brach, founder, Offscreen
Veronica Ditting, art director, The Gentlewoman
Rob Orchard, founder, Delayed Gratification
Elana Schlenker, founder, Gratuitous Type
Peter Houston, blogger and man behind the Magazine Diaries
Simon Lyle, editor of Hot Rum Cow and new magazine Poppy
Danny Miller, founder of Little White Lies, revealing his new magazine
Danielle Pender, editor, Riposte
Pekka Toivonen, ‘art dictator’, FAT
Buy that ticket here
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