Big Bang (France)
Something ace and different @bigbangalmanach (France)
“about future and realistics utopias”
twelve themes so far;
- The new capital of France is Marseille
- Live happy, live underwater
- Drug good for health
- United States of Africa
- Robots will take care about everything
- Everybody will be nomad
- savez the planet, let's disappear
- Paris-Beijing express
- Orgasm for everyone
- Everyone small, everyone ugly, everyone equal
- Ideal religion
- Invade Switzerland (diplomatic incident guaranteed)
Original Idea: Gabriel Gaultier
Publishing director: Franck Annese
Art director: Laurent Burte and Xavier Pouleau
#coverlove #covertastic #magazinedesign #magazine #bigbang #coverjunkie #printisthefutureofonline
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