I'm on a holiday (Yeah baby yeah; enjoying this) and made this post in advance...
take a look at all the winners from last year!
The SPD award is THE biggest one to win if you ask me. Lots of people out of the bizz are judging and discussing each entry.
THE most thrilling moment for me in 2012 was winning the silver award SMALL MAGS / SELF PUBLISHED with my own Coverjunkie Magazine. This was something i could not think off starting this whole project... :)
The golden SPD award in the category SMALL MAGS / SELF PUBLISHED was for Victory magazine; well deserved, great mag that is, try to pick it up!
Wanna read more about my Coverjunkie magazine...
Click here for more awardwinning covers covers on
Click here for more Coverjunkie covers on Coverjunkie
Click here for more Coverjunkie covers on Coverjunkie